Health & Safety

In keeping with our “Clean, safe, and quality production” watchword, we seek to foster an essential awareness and culture of occupational health and safety issues among all of our employees whatever their level or position at Çolakoğlu® Metalurji may be. Our actions are guided by our belief that all work-related accidents and diseases are fundamentally preventable. This attitude informs all of our operations and we constantly strive to improve our OHS performance. All OHS issues are planned and managed in accordance with the ISO 45001 Occupational Health & Safety Management System standard.

It is important to us that a “Positive Safety Culture” be a top-priority consideration for our employees in the performance of their jobs and for our subcontractors in the conduct of their operations.

The essential elements and tenets of a Positive Safety Culture are these:


At Çolakoğlu® Metalurji we strive to maintain workplace safety and to protect our employees’ health and wellbeing. We take measures to achieve this and we constantly improve our performance. For this purpose we keep a close watch on the steelmaking industry’s best practices both in Turkey and abroad. In keeping with our Zero Accident Vision, we constantly review and improve our safety-related behavior and culture in order to prevent work-related accidents and illnesses and to protect employee health.

We continue our efforts on such issues in an effort to achieve the best results. When dealing with OHS matters throughout the company, it is very important for us that a behavior-focused safety culture be strengthened and that safe behavior habits be entrenched. In order to actively engage all of our employees in safety-related practices, we have launched a Zero Accident Workplace Project at Çolakoğlu® Metalurji.

Çolakoğlu® Metalurji employees are expected to behave in an exemplary manner when dealing with matters of workplace safety by supporting the company’s behavior-oriented safety management system. In keeping with their advanced sense of responsibility, Çolakoğlu® Metalurji employees make report safety-related issues and make suggestions for safety-related improvements and corrective action. They support and strengthen the company’s safe workplace culture by being mindful and protective both of themselves and of their co-workers.

With such considerations in mind, we set out with the support of both management and personnel and began by identifying and evaluating our safety requirements and priorities. Safety-related training content was revised and updated and Zero Accident Workplace Project training was provided to company personnel at every level. Taking a constructive approach, we created and mobilized an observation-feedback process in order to hold up a mirror to ourselves that would reveal and make us aware of any risky behavior so that we might correct it. We work systematically to strengthen OHS-related communication, team solidarity, and team autonomy.

Another of our goals is to strengthen Zero Accident awareness not just at the workplace but also while away from it by encouraging our employees’ families to be involved as well. We believe that such active engagement constitutes a good example not just for our industry but for our country as a whole.